planning for pets
Planning for Pets: Why You Should Consider It

Why is planning for pets important?

It is safe to say that our pets become part of the family…but why is it that people rarely have provisions for their furry “family” in their estate plan. Many people do not know that these provisions for planning for pets even exist. Most people assume that other human family members will take care of our pets once we are gone. That is not always the case, often times pets end up in shelters or euthanized.

Pets can be provided for in a revocable living trust. There are also specific pet trusts that are more detailed for leaving instructions on how our pets should be cared for. In case we are incapacitated or pass away. Provisions for pets can also be included in a will. However, that does not provide for pet care in case of incapacity because a will only takes effect once you pass away. The best way to ensure our pets are taken care of in all circumstances is planning for pets through a trust.

Pet trusts can designate a caregiver, alternate caregiver, detail the pet’s daily regimen. Or if the pet likes a particular brand of food or treats. The owner can also describe the extent of treatment they want the pet to receive in case they get sick or if they should be euthanized to avoid any unnecessary suffering.

To emphasize the importance planning for pets trust in case of incapacity. New studies have shown incredible improvements in Alzheimer’s patients when they are able to interact with pets.

Taking an individual’s pet away from them when they are not mentally stable can be detrimental to their treatment and recovery. I invite you to watch the video below, it is a famous Alzheimer’s story and was shared by the Alzheimer’s Association. A man who was almost mute regains his speech when he interacts with his dog.

Photo Jan 22, 11 45 43 AM

Alejandra’s dachshund Daisy