Plan for the Care of Your Pets

Recent studies have uncovered new health issues pets experience as a result of living longer. A specific example, dogs and cats 15 years and older can often experience animal dementia. As we noted in last week’s post, it is important to plan ahead for your estate planning. This includes considering your pets and how you would like for them to be taken care of should you become incapacitated or can no longer care for them.

In a previous post we discussed pet trusts, which allow owners to include information on their pets’ preferences and instructions to the pets’ caregivers. A pet trust primarily serves as a tool for the owner to have peace of mind. Should they no longer be able to care for their furry family members. The pet trust ensures the pet is taken care of. Also it prevents them from entering the lengthy, costly and complicated probate process.

Knowing animals can incur health issues, such as dementia. Planning ahead for their care and safety is important should you become unable to care for them yourself. Pets are considered part of the family, and their health is equally as important.

For more information on planning for your pets or pet trusts, take a look at our post “Planning for Pets: Why You Should Consider It” or ask a trusted estate planning attorney.